Myasnikov explained how to recognize dangerous diseases by a blood test

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A well-known Moscow doctor and TV presenter spoke about the important role of a general blood test. He called this method “the king of analysis”, as it allows you to identify serious and dangerous ailments.

Alexander Myasnikov told about this on the air of the federal channel “Russia 1”.

So, according to the doctor, one of the most important indicators of a general blood test is the level of hemoglobin. Iron deficiency anemia can indicate serious gastrointestinal problems as well as cancer.

The indicator of the average volume of erythrocytes plays an equally important role. The doctor clarified that if it is below normal, it means that the patient has an iron deficiency. But, if this figure is higher, then this indicates a deficiency of vitamin B12 (folic acid), which happens in diseases of the thyroid gland and other hereditary ailments.

Elevated leukocytes signal an inflammatory process in the body and requires a more detailed examination, the teledoctor concluded.

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