Muscovites warned about the beginning of tick activity

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Ticks will wake up in Moscow in the near future. This was announced on Friday, April 16, by the press service of the Moscow Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection.

“The tick wakes up at an average daily temperature of + 5 degrees, as a rule, the season of their activity lasts from March-April to October-November. Ticks will wake up in the natural areas of Moscow in mid-April, “RIA Novosti quotes a message.

It is specified that experts do not use chemical agents for treatment against these arachnids in specially protected natural areas of the city. In this regard, the grass is mowed near the playgrounds and sports grounds, deadwood is removed and instructions for Moscow residents are posted.

Experts recalled that when traveling to nature, it is better to give preference to light-colored monochromatic clothing made of dense fabrics that will hide the arms, legs and neck. Also, residents of the capital were encouraged to wear hats.

In addition, areas of forest with dense vegetation should be avoided. After returning home, you need to examine yourself and your pet for bites, as well as check bags, blankets and other things. Sprays, aerosols and creams that repel arthropods can be used to avoid stings.

The Moscow authorities emphasized that ticks are carriers of dangerous diseases. If a bite is found, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The day before, it was reported that since the beginning of 2021, three cases of tick-borne borreliosis have been identified in the Bryansk region. Four people turned to doctors with tick bites.