Moscow authorities did not approve the April 21 rally on Manezhnaya Square

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The action, which is scheduled to take place in Moscow on April 21, has not been approved. This was reported on Tuesday, April 20, at the press service of the Moscow Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption.

They clarified that an appeal was received to hold a public event on April 21 in the form of a rally from 19:00 to 21:00 on Manezhnaya Square with up to 100 thousand participants. In this case, the notification was submitted to the metropolitan government in violation of the requirements established by federal law.

In addition, the citizens declared in the notification as the organizer of the event and the person authorized by the organizer of the event to carry out administrative functions for its organization and holding are now outside the country.

“Measures taken by the Moscow government to gradually remove the restrictions imposed in connection with the introduction of the high alert regime (decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated January 21, 2021 No. 3-UM” On Amendments to the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow No. 68-UM dated June 8, 2020 “) , are adequate to the prevailing epidemiological situation and do not lift the ban on holding mass public events established by paragraph 2 of the decree of the mayor of Moscow dated March 5, 2020 No. 12-UM “On the introduction of a high alert regime”, – added in the message.

In this regard, the holding of a public event has not been agreed. The department also stressed that if it is held, the organizers and other participants can be held accountable in the prescribed manner.

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