More than half of used cars are sold with twisted mileage

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65% of cars in the Russian aftermarket show signs of twisted mileage. The likelihood of encountering fake odometer readings directly depends on the value of the car.

This was stated by the specialists of the service after analyzing 75 thousand checks of the real mileage.

Experts called machines worth up to 500 thousand rubles as record holders in twisting. Odometer malfunctions were found in 73% of specimens in this segment. The figures were underestimated by about 180 thousand km.

In the price range up to 800 thousand. device data did not correspond to reality in 63% of cars, up to 1.6 million – in every second. The real mileage was underestimated by 78-100 thousand km.

The owners of expensive vehicles were more fortunate than others. On average, 40% of cars in the segment had their odometer readings reduced from 1.6 to 3 million rubles. The difference was about 60 thousand km.

For luxury cars (over 3 million), the mileage was twisted in 30% of cases. The discrepancy between the results remained at the level of 25 thousand kilometers.

It is noteworthy that in October last year, State Duma deputies discussed the possibility of introducing fines for counterfeiting mileage. The parliamentarians could not come to a consensus, although the majority supported the development of the bill.