More than half of US residents supported Trump’s impeachment

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The announcement of impeachment to former US President Donald Trump was approved by more than half of Americans. This is evidenced by data from a public opinion poll conducted by Monmouth University, reports on Tuesday, January 26, “RIA Novosti”.

Research has shown that 56% of respondents support Trump’s second impeachment. At the same time, 92% of the polled Democrats support this initiative, and only 13% of the Republicans.

When asked whether Trump should be charged with incitement to rebellion, 52% of Americans responded positively. At the same time, 57% agreed with the idea of ​​prohibiting him from holding government posts in the future.

The survey was conducted from 21 to 24 January 2021 among 800 US residents.

On January 22, Democratic parliamentary leader Chuck Schumer announced that the impeachment process for former US President Donald Trump would begin in the Senate on February 8.

On January 17, former head of state Rudy Giuliani’s personal lawyer said the defense intends to prove that Trump’s allegations of election fraud are not incitement to violence.

On January 13, the US House of Representatives voted to pass a resolution to impeach Trump for “inciting mutiny.” Pelosi signed an impeachment article. If the Senate approves the impeachment decision, a vote will ban Trump from running in the future.

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