More than 5,500 families in Mari El received payment for the first-born in the 1st quarter

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By admin

5,520 Mari El families received monthly payments in connection with the birth or adoption of their first child in the first quarter of 2021.

For these purposes, 166.8 million rubles were allocated within the framework of the regional project “Financial support for families at the birth of children.”

Families have the right to payment, each member of which has an income of not more than double the subsistence minimum for able-bodied citizens established in the second quarter of the previous year.

As explained in the Republican Ministry of Social Development, in 2021, families with an average per capita income of no more than 21 470 rubles receive a payment of 10,415 rubles.

Recall recently MK in Mari El said that in 2021, 4659 citizens were registered as self-employed in the republic.