More than 3,500 cases in 24 hours in France

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By admin

More than 3,500 new cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in France in the past 24 hours, according to figures released by health authorities on Saturday.

• Read also: All the developments of the pandemic

Over the last day, 3,602 new positive diagnoses were recorded, against 4,586 Friday.

The percentage of positive tests continues to increase slightly, to 3.5% from 3.4% on Friday. 38 new foci of grouped cases (clusters) were detected, also indicated Public Health France.

A total of 4,711 people are hospitalized for a COVID-19 infection, a figure down slightly (they were 4,745 on Friday, 4,748 on Thursday).

The number of patients in intensive care (380) is stable compared to Friday (379).

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