Mayoral candidate Maya Wiley says if elected she will help women in greatest need by cutting police spending

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Mayoral candidate Maya Wiley said that if elected, she would help women in greatest need by cutting police spending. Her plan is to, as they say, kill two birds with one stone: reduce funds for the NYPD and the Department of Corrections, and lift families out of poverty where women who have to take care of children and the elderly are struggling to make ends meet. ends.

Wylie outlined her plan in a virtual meeting with members of the Association for a Better New York.

“I don’t have answers to all the questions and never have,” she admitted. – And I will never become a mayor who has such answers. I am ready to solve problems as we face them, with all the honesty and decency that I can. “

However, Maya Wiley did provide some specific information. She intends to lay off 750 police officers and 2,250 cadets in prison educational institutions. To the $ 300 million released will be added unused money from some federal and state grants. As a result, it will be possible to provide 100 thousand of the most needy women, each of whom will receive $ 5 thousand a year. They are mainly from communities dominated by minorities.

Wylie believes that it is women who are primarily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. She recalled that in December alone, 140 thousand American women across the country lost their jobs. They have taken the brunt of the labor market. It is clear why. Women were forced to leave their jobs to take care of their families, children and the elderly. And they did it knowing that they were losing their livelihood. Now they need help.

Maya Wiley, who previously served as de Blasio’s legal advisor and chaired the Public Complaints Council for Police, is one of the five most popular candidates for mayor. The four others are businessman Andrew Young, Brooklyn President Eric Adams, City Auditor Scott Stringer, and former Minister of Housing and Urban Development Sean Donovan.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 0 dated November 30 -0001

Newspaper headline:
Mayoral candidate shares his plans