Manturov visited the Arkhangelsk region

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Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov arrived on a working visit to the Arkhangelsk Region. The visit began with a visit to PO “Sevmash” together with the acting Governor of the region Alexander Tsybulsky.

The guests were accompanied by the General Director of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexey Rakhmanov and the Director of Sevmash Mikhail Budnichenko.

Tsybulsky and Manturov visited the largest covered boathouse in Europe for the construction of nuclear submarines, examined the plant’s capacities and assessed the production equipment of the enterprise.

The meeting participants also discussed the activities of the city-forming enterprise and the implementation of the state program for the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the shipyard.

Manturov and Tsybulsky agreed to build four ships for passenger transport in Arkhangelsk. Taking into account the specifics of the region, water transport is in great demand. About 20 thousand citizens use such transportation. However, the fleet of watercraft in the regional center has exhausted its resource and requires renewal.

“For our part, we have already carried out preliminary work – together with the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport. We have completed the pre-design work and the terms of reference, we have a clear understanding of what vessels we need. Considering that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation has a whole area related to supporting the manufacture of such vessels, I ask you to take into account the needs of the region as a priority and provide support, ”said the head of the region.

Manturov supported the initiative and said that the necessary funds will be brought under one of the ministry’s state programs.

Earlier, the Arkhangelsk Region entered into a strategic agreement with Rosneft, under which the company doubles the transshipment of oil products for northern delivery through the terminal in Arkhangelsk. Thanks to the modernization of equipment at the Rosneft terminal in Arkhangelsk, the shipment of oil products for the northern delivery will reach 110 thousand tons. This volume is twice as high as last year.

Rosneft is also increasing shipments through the seaport of Arkhangelsk of metal structures and equipment for the company’s projects for the development of fields in the Arctic zone, including for the largest project – Vostok-Oil. Previously, the company has already dispatched about 17 thousand tons of cargo from here.

“This is a serious increase in the loading of the Arkhangelsk port,” noted Tsybulsky.

“You know that the region has recently made attempts to increase trade and cargo turnover through the port, and it seems to me in this sense that a significant leap forward can now be achieved with Rosneft,” he said. This will bring the region and additional taxes, and additional jobs, and additional competencies in the port, he said.

The largest shipbuilding and ship-repair complexes of Russia are located in the Arkhangelsk region, where a significant part of the state defense order is being worked out, the general director of the Center for Political Information Alexei Mukhin told Izvestia. It is there that nuclear and diesel submarines and warships are built. Local nuclear missile carriers are the backbone of our country’s nuclear deterrent. Here, in the Arkhangelsk region, they produce giant offshore platforms for Arctic oil and gas fields, he recalled.

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