Making the Adjustment to Motherhood

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Things Are Going to Change

It can be worthwhile to seek therapeutic help as a new mom. Certainly, since women have become mothers, there have been many who had no choice but to conquer this new station in life almost alone; except for their spouse. Those women must have succeeded, or by and large, humanity would not continue to exist.

That said, it’s always easier to have someone hold your hand when you’re going through something difficult. Parenthood is hard on both dad and mom, but the father doesn’t have to carry the baby to term in his physical body, nor is he tasked with nourishing the child through breastfeeding after the fact.

The physical components of motherhood lead to psychological influences which can’t be ignored. Postpartum depression is real, and has resulted in very sad circumstances that could have been avoided with proper help; either therapeutically or medically. With that in mind, here we’ll cover a few things that can help you adjust to being a mom quicker.

  1. Find People Who Have Been Where You Are

Parental support groups are about more than providing you with government resources or daycare. They’re about more than meeting new friends for yourself and your children to interact with. Parental support groups provide empathy, and give you the opportunity to interact with other mothers who have been through exactly what you’re experiencing.

Friends and family can help here as well, but you know your friends, and you know your family. That means you’ve got a subconscious psychological barricade of sorts that might impede you from fully embracing their good advice. People you meet because you become a mom won’t be boxed in by that sort of mental barrier—you can be more “open” with them.

  1. Get Help From Feminine Health Professionals

OB/GYNs are good before, during, and after pregnancy. Such pros can help you determine if you’ve got healthcare issues you need to deal with, or if everything is proceeding normally as it should. Check out this OB/GYN specialist in Dallas for solutions in this area of health. You’ll want to find an OB/GYN you stay with well after your first child—you may want another later.

  1. Find Lactation Support Before You Need It

Clogged milk ducts, mastitis, engorged breasts, a lack of milk production, and latch issues are all common problems the new mom will likely need to deal with. Here’s a link to breastfeeding positions for babies. Hopefully you don’t have trouble breastfeeding right after your baby is born. If you do, lactation specialists help you determine what’s going on, and how to fix it.

Finding Your “Cruising Altitude” as a New Mom

Lactation support, OB/GYNs, and parental support networks are key in helping you find y our stride as a new mom. Certainly, you can do it all on your own, but it’s generally a good idea to lean on available support options.