Londoner sentenced to prison for spitting at driver

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In London, a court sentenced 44-year-old city dweller Michael Aydu to prison for spitting on a bus driver during the coronavirus pandemic. This is reported by TASS with reference to a widespread statement by the city’s law enforcement agencies.

The incident took place on the morning of February 13 – Aidu got on the bus and did not pay the fare. The driver reprimanded him, to which Aidu reacted very aggressively. The man lowered his medical mask and spat at the driver.

The spit, however, missed its target due to the protective glass in the driver’s cab. Moreover, the driver collected samples of the intruder’s saliva and handed them over to the police, who later identified him.

According to the decision, the magistrates’ court of the Croydon Aydu district will have to spend 18 weeks behind bars and pay the victim 128 pounds sterling.

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