Lavrov announced a “day” in relations between Russia and the United States

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov believes that the confrontation between Russia and the United States has “reached bottom.” The minister said this in an interview with the program “Big Game” on Channel One.

According to him, “deep down there is hope that all people are adults and understand the risks that are associated with escalating further tension.” As a result, as Lavrov pointed out, prudence should prevail.

Lavrov also stressed that the line of pressure chosen by the American administration with respect to Russia is unsuccessful. According to him, there is no surprise that the new US President Joe Biden “began to apply sanctions against Russia, tighten rhetoric and generally put pressure on all fronts.”

Earlier, the press service of the office of the US representative in trade negotiations, Catherine Tai, released a message stating that retaliatory sanctions imposed by the Russian Federation created uncertainty for American companies. They worsened the prospects for their penetration into the Russian market.