Kostroma police in the town of Makaryev caught the first poachers

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By admin

Well, no sooner had MK Kostroma reported that fishing restrictions were being introduced in the Kostroma region on April 15, when the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs had already announced the capture of the first violators, poachers.

Policemen from the town of Makaryev on the Kady-Vedrovo highway were caught causing damage to water resources.

The poachers got stuck on the fact that they were too lazy to wash their cars – the cars covered in mud attracted the attention of law enforcement officers – and they decided to inspect the vehicles. And not in vain – in both cars in the trunks of fishing nets and four sacks with 380 fish were found.

The police seized all this stuff and took the poachers to the police station, where they said with a blue eye that they had found nets and fish on the river bank near the village of Stolpino, Kadyi District, when they decided to go fishing with rods.

The police did not believe such explanations … An investigation is underway …