Know What Exactly Inbound Call Center Outsourcing Can Do for Your Business

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By admin

Inbound call center is the primary mode of interacting with customers. It addresses and resolves customer issues. It acts as the virtual face of your business by educating customers on your product and services portfolio. 

Therefore, it acts as the frontline support that is functional in bringing immense value for your business.

Today, inbound call center services are expected to be at the next level to cater to the evolving customer expectations. These expectations include expedited response with a personal touch, 24/7 agent availability, query resolution within a single call instead of getting routed across multiple departments.

However, in-house call centers are finding it difficult to cope up with such evolving expectations. Lack of upskilling programs, operating at a particular shift, and other factors have brought saturation in agents’ skills. 

This is driving enterprises towards inbound call center outsourcing. It is a time-tested approach that brings operational efficiency and make your business more productive. 

In this article, we will explore how outsourcing inbound call center services can bring in more value to your business.

Business Benefits of Inbound Call Center Outsourcing

Enhanced Customer Experience

Superior customer experience is vital for the success of your business. With the right technology and expertise, inbound call center services ensure customer satisfaction within just a single call.

Third-party inbound call center providers bring a personal touch in their interaction with customers. They do so by using customer relationship management (CRM) tools integrated to agents’ desktops. A CRM tool helps agents to find customer details using their phone number and automatic number identification. This enables agents to address customers on a personal note. It also reduces the average call. 

Third-party experts use IVRs. This tool gathers customer information from your existing customer database, manage transactions, triages customer calls, and arrange callbacks. This tool is functional in improving first call resolution rate. This acts as a big boost to customer experience.

24/7 Availability

You will have customers from different time zones dialing your helpline. Since your call center team works at a particular shift, they will not be able to address all such incoming calls. This results in loss of significant business opportunities.

Global inbound call center service providers have offices across multiple regions at different time zones. They create a team of agents for you from multiple time zones. It ensures that there is always an agent around to address and resolve your customers’ queries. 

It creates a good impression about your commitment towards your customers. Most importantly, it helps you to appeal to customers beyond your geographical boundaries

Handle Large Call Volumes

Large call volumes are also usually populated with multiple customers making the same query. Third-party agents do not attempt every single such calls. Instead, they create a knowledge base which you can upload on your website on in your app. Customers are automatically routed to such knowledge bases based on their query types.

Third-party experts offer callback options to customers if their call center software indicates at a long waiting time or too many calls queued. This eliminates the chances of a rushed call resolution or an irate customer waiting too long in a queue. 

SMEs refer to a real-time agent activity dashboard to analyze a particular agent’s capacity to handle calls. Accordingly, they re-allocate call volumes to agents who have the bandwidth to handle additional calls.

Cost Saving Opportunities

It is evident by now highly skilled experts and advanced call center technologies are the keys to a cutting-edge inbound call center support. 

However, it requires significant investments to maintain qualified experts and technologies in-house. You can meet both of these criteria within a lesser investment by inbound call center outsourcing.

You will be exempted from the cost of hiring and training staffs. You partner with inbound call center vendors on a non-permanent basis. This means that the agents will be on the third-party providers’ payroll. You are exempted from paying monthly salaries and other employee benefits. This brings about significant cost savings. You can invest these savings on your other business processes.

Parting Note

There is doubting the immense business benefits inbound call center outsourcing brings for you. However, you must make a careful choice while partnering with service providers. Flexible pricing model, long and short-term business needs, 24/7 agent availability, technology adoption are some of the critical parameters that you must consider before finalizing partnership with an inbound call center service provider.