Kaluga residents will line up in the word “Let’s go” at the big space flashmob

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A large space flash mob will take place in Kaluga on Saturday, April 10. Within its framework, residents of Kaluga will line up in the word “Let’s go,” according to the “Youth of Kaluga” group.

“Tomorrow, Teatralnaya Square will host a large space flash mob, of which you can become a part. We invite all Kaluga residents to build the legendary phrase of Yuri Gagarin“ LET’S GO, ”said the organizers of the flash mob.

All participants are invited to Teatralnaya Square by 17:00 Moscow time.

“You need a little determination and good mood with you!” – the organizers joke

On this day, the vocalists of the Sodruzhestvo children’s and adolescent center will perform for all the participants of the event.

On April 12, Kaluga will host mass events timed to coincide with the Cosmonautics Day. The main event will be the opening of the second stage of the Cosmonautics Museum.