Japan will not refuse to host the Olympics due to the coronavirus pandemic

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The Japanese authorities do not intend to abandon the Olympic Games, despite the deteriorating epidemiological situation, said Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga during a press conference with US President Joe Biden.

The broadcast is being conducted on social networks of the White House. Suga said the American leader has once again expressed his support for Tokyo.

“I told the President about my determination to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo this summer. It will be a symbol of the unity of the whole world, ”the Japanese prime minister stressed.

The head of the organizing committee, Seiko Hashimoto, said earlier that the organizers did not intend to cancel the Olympic Games. International competitions are planned to be held taking into account all safety measures in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. As the responsible for the vaccination, the Japanese minister Taro Kono admitted, the Olympics can be held without spectators at sports facilities.