At this moment, news agencies are broadcasting reports of torrential rain with sleet that has covered the capital. Accordingly, the Kostroma hydrometeorological center reports that the atmospheric front, which brought these precipitations, is rapidly moving northward and will reach the Kostroma region already tonight (maximum by tomorrow morning).
Moreover, this visit promises significant troubles in the form of not only a sharp cold snap, but wet snow and gusts of wind up to 18-20 meters per second, which according to the Beaufort scale is assessed as a “storm” … and maybe even a storm.
In this regard, in the Kostroma region from 18:00 on April 20 to 9:00 on April 22, a high alert mode is introduced for all emergency services – their employees will have to be on round-the-clock duty at this time and monitor the situation.
As for ordinary Kostroma residents, their regional authorities urge them to stay at home whenever possible and to be especially careful when they are near billboards, trees and metal structures – they may collapse.