It became known when Kostroma graduates will take the exam

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The regional department of education has announced the timetable for passing the exam in 2021 – in the Kostroma region, as well as throughout the country, they will begin on May 31.

On this day, those graduates who have chosen geography, literature and chemistry as the subjects of the Unified State Exam will take exams.

On June 3 and 4, compulsory exams in the Russian language will be held.

Also, there will be two-day tests in foreign languages ​​(oral part) and in computer science and ICT.

The full USE schedule in 2021 looks like this:

The peculiarity of passing the ICT exam this year will be taking it in the form of working on a computer.

In addition, from June 28 to July 2 – the schedule provides for reserve days for students who missed exams for a good reason.