Inhabitants of Germany are infected despite two vaccinations

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In the federal states of Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony, 408 cases of coronavirus infection were detected in patients who were considered fully protected, since they had already received both doses of the vaccine. This was announced by the ministers of health of the named federal states.

As it became known, 112 of the infected, despite the double vaccination, live in Saxony-Anhalt, 94 in Thuringia and 202 in Saxony. However, experts consider this situation to be normal. They emphasize that no existing vaccine guarantees one hundred percent safety and absolute protection against Covid-19. In total, 564 thousand people have already received both vaccinations in the designated region. The percentage of people infected despite being vaccinated is negligible.

Head of the Infectious Medicine Clinic of the Chemnitz Clinic and Chairman of the Saxon Vaccination Commission Dr. Thomas Grunewald explained that. The effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccine depends on various factors. “A risk reduction of more than 95 percent does not mean there is no risk of infection at all. Evidence from Israel clearly shows that infections and – very rarely – death from Covid-19 can also occur even among those vaccinated. “

Analyzing data from Israel, you can also see that the effectiveness of the vaccine depends on the number of vaccinations, as well as the time interval after vaccination, explains Grunewald.

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