In the Volgograd region, medical institutions can return to regular work

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By admin

A possible return to the normal work of hospitals was announced at today’s briefing by the deputy head of the regional health department Nikolai Alimov.

According to the head of the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor Olga Zubareva, the level of hospitalization is decreasing and there are free infectious beds. There is a possibility that hospitals will again convert from infectious to regular.

“But while the epidemic season is underway, it’s wise to keep these beds,” she explained.

The same opinion is shared by the deputy head of the regional health department Nikolai Alimov.

“If the situation is stable, an appropriate decision will be made in the near future,” he said.

Doctors understand that because of the coronavirus, many people were unable to receive routine inpatient care. The morbidity situation is monitored every day and the corresponding proposal is going to be submitted in the near future to the operational headquarters.

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