In Smolensk, the stolen terrier was returned to the owner

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A resident of Smolensk came to the shopping center, tied the dog, and when he returned, he did not find it on the spot. Many residents of Smolensk are aware of the requirements “Pets are not allowed”. The owner of the cute Yorkshire Terrier left the pet by the water in a shop on the Kievskoe highway, but the pet was not there. Smolyanin turned to the police and, fortunately, this story has a happy ending.

Police officers interviewed the staff of the shopping center, possible witnesses and eyewitnesses, examined the recordings from video cameras. It was on the video that the unknown man stroked the dog, and then untied it and put it in the car, leaving the parking lot.

The police officers found the owner of the car – a 57-year-old unemployed resident of the Smolensk region. A kidnapped dog was found at his home. The man said that he took pity on the dog, took it, especially since he also has a terrier at home. The kidnapped pet has been returned to its rightful owner.

Department No. 1 of the Investigation Department of the Russian MIA Administration for Smolensk opened a criminal case “Theft”. The sanction provides for a maximum sentence of imprisonment for up to five years.

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