In the Naberezhnye Chelninsky kindergarten, a fallen cupboard broke two vertebrae of a 5-year-old baby. The prosecutor’s office demands to initiate a criminal case. This was reported by the press service of the supervisory agency.
The accident happened on August 10 in the city preschool institution No. 22. A wardrobe collapsed on the boy. The doctors, whom the parents of the preschooler turned to on the same day, diagnosed the child with a fracture of two vertebrae.
In the course of investigating the causes of the incident, it was established that the cabinet was out of order and poorly fixed. In addition, several more similar cabinets were found in the group. The prosecutor’s office also found out that the founder of the preschool educational institution is not aware of this incident.
The prosecutor’s office demands to initiate a case on this fact. To the address of the head of the city executive committee, a submission has been made to identify those responsible for the accident.