How To Smoke Fish in Electric Smoker

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Smoking fish is not an easy task for non-experts. But, it is very easy for a professional. You just need to know the tips for smoking fish in the electric smoker, and it will be done in less than an hour.

We know that smoking fish is the best option for those who love to have fresh and juicy fish. But, in case of having too much time at home, you can smoke fish and have it without wasting time.

We know that smoking fish is not easy for a beginner because it requires a high amount of skills and experience. But, if you follow the right way, then you will be able to achieve the desired result.

Electric Smokers

Electric smokers are used for smoking food items, and also, the smokers are called electric smokers. Electric smokers are used for cooking food items, and you can use the one that you already have at your home.

The electric smokers are also available in various models, and they come with various features. If you are looking for an electric smoker, then you can check the electric smokers here.

You will need the following things for smoking fish in an electric smoker:

  1. A large frying pan
  2. A bowl
  3. A pair of tongs
  4. A mesh tray
  5. A cutting board
  6. A grill
  7. A wire grid
  8. A stainless steel grid
  9. A barbecue
  10. A basting brush
  11. A brus
  12. A perforated pan
  13. Salt and pepper
  14. A thermometer

How to Smoke Fish in Electric Smoker

Step 1: Preparing the fish

You need to clean the fish thoroughly and cut the fish’s fins. Now, place the fish in a large bowl.

Step 2: Dipping the fish in salt

If you plan to smoke the fish in an electric smoker, you should first dip the fish in salt to reduce the weight.

Step 3: Frying the fish in oil

Now, you need to fry the fish in a pan. So, first, pour the oil into the frying pan and heat it to 180 degrees. Once the oil temperature is high, you can place the fish in the oil.

Step 4: Smashing the fish

Once the oil is heated, you need to smash the fish to make sure that the fish is completely coated with oil. You can use the tongs to crush the fish, and the same tongs can be used to pick up the fish.

Step 5: Basting the fish

While you are crushing the fish, you can sprinkle some salt on the crushed fish to make it crispy. Once you crush the fish, you need to baste it to make sure that the fish is evenly coated with the oil.

Step 6: Placing the fish in the smoker

After making sure that the fish is coated with oil, you can place the fish in the electric smoker. You can keep the fish in the electric smoker for 20 to 30 minutes.


If you are looking for an effective and hassle-free method to smoke the fish, you should try the steps mentioned above. This method will help you to make the fish crispy and tasty.