How to increase the value of a house

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Building wealth is not easy. And trying to do it all at once is almost impossible. Many of us buy our first property with the illusion of stopping paying rent, but we don’t think further. Or yes, we thought, but our budget was a limitation and, instead of buying a big house with a pool, big windows, and a huge garden, we bought a nice apartment not so far from the area we liked. The good news is that the years of paying for that apartment have paid off, and it’s time to leave it behind to find a home that’s more like our dream home.

The challenge now is to convert that first property into hard cash for the down payment and some payments for the new house. One option for your new house is the which offers the most versatile residential plots with only a 10 percent down payment and a flexible payment plan.

But how to get them to give us the most money possible for it?

Money Calls Money:

When I was a child, I did not understand this phrase. I heard it everywhere, but it didn’t make sense to me. I later found out that it means money can be used to make more money. The joke is knowing how to use it.

In the case of properties, there are certain projects that, although they cost money, can increase the property’s value, making that money recover relatively easily and quickly. is a major worth residential society highly recommended by real estate marketers.

Fix the kitchen:

This does not mean throwing away your refrigerator and stove to buy new ones. Also, remember that the buyer most likely already has a refrigerator or prefers to buy one to their liking.

The idea is to review the kitchen and see its weak points. If the countertop is old-fashioned or already battered, you can opt for one of granite or a more modern material. On the other hand, if the material has only lost its shine, it can be sent for cleaning or polishing.

Another weak point can be the mixer and the sink. There are nice and not so expensive mixers; the idea is to search. If the sink is in good condition, it is amazing what can be achieved by polishing it.

Check the cupboards; if they are mistreated, you can give them a “cat’s hand” by painting them or changing the doors, which is much cheaper than putting new ones. Remember that people love storage space and will probably put the spotlight on this topic.

Additional tip: if you paint the cupboards white, you will make the space look much larger, and if you also paint the inside, they will look more spacious and modern.

Modernize bathrooms:

Nothing says the age of a property like a bathroom. The decorating trends in this room have been very changeable and can leave potential buyers with the idea that the property is old or neglected when it is not.

So that the expense is not excessive, you can paint the bathroom, change the furniture and accessories (if they are savers, the better), and put a large mirror and a cabinet. Remember that storage space is always welcome.

Take advantage of green areas:

A nice green area is an invitation to stay. In the garden, you can plant grass, or if this is out of the budget, put decorative stones and potted plants. If you add a couple of garden chairs or a bench to this, you have created a living space that did not exist before. And this is more attractive to a buyer than a yard full of junk.

If there is no garden, a small space can be set up with plants and even a small table with some books and a small armchair. This way, you will have an interior garden, a reading space, or even a small office where there was previously wasted space.

light up the property:

Nothing is more pleasant than natural light, which influences buyers’ moods. An architect friend once told me that dark houses are sick houses. Ventilating and lighting the rooms keeps them cool and at a comfortable temperature.

Cleaning the window panes well, changing those that are not in optimal conditions, putting on all the lights, and even lighting up the dark corners of the house can make a difference. And it was not expensive.

Remember that if the light enters, the heat enters. If the house is in a very hot area, use light wisely. Nobody wants a beach house that is impossible to cool. In these cases, it may be more convenient to play with colors and paint in a light color that helps the place look brighter without letting in more light.

Check the floors:

Although it does not dramatically increase the home’s value, it influences purchase decisions. The joke is to check the property; if the floor is still in good condition but has lost its shine, there is no need to change it, but polishing it can help it look much better.

If you dare to change the floor, it must be easy to wash, in a neutral color, easy to combine, and, above all, classic. Remember that the flat will accompany the new inhabitant for many years and what is fashionable today will no longer be in five years.

It is also convenient to remove the rugs. They denote the age of the construction, and nobody wants to breathe in alien mites.

Install devices that give added value:

If I am going to modernize the bathroom, I can look for economical bathroom accessories. The same goes for the kitchen mixer or the boiler. If I am going to invest in them anyway, I have to do it intelligently.

If the doors or windows must be changed for some reason, it is also good to consider those insulating against cold, heat, or noise, especially if it is a very noisy area.

If the facade is going to be painted or waterproofed, some coatings can be used to keep the interior at a good temperature.

This can save a potential buyer money and be a good selling point.

Create storage space:

Take advantage of the corners of the house to create storage space. Perhaps between the bathroom and the bedroom, there is space for a linen closet, or the kitchen has space for some nice shelves.

Storage space increases property value and, with a little creativity, can be cheap to create.

Carry out maintenance work:

Many buyers request that the property be delivered painted and free of moisture. If the expense is going to be spent anyway, doing it earlier gives the feeling that the house is “ready to move in.”

Making minor repairs can take years off the property. Let’s not forget to repair the water leaks, check the gas installation, patch the walls, clean the tiles, wash the floors, change the old or unusable dampers, remove stains from the bathroom doors, and repair the ceilings, etc.

Take care of the first impression:

It is important to check the facade. We already talked about the importance of paint and coatings, insulating windows, and green areas. In addition to this, check that the garage floor is not stained with oil and that there is no disorder.

In addition, the doors must be checked: they must be in good condition and painted or varnished, the locks must be in perfect working order and be safe, in addition, if there are protections or ironwork, they must be in good condition and clean.

What We Shouldn’t Do:

But not everything is hunky-dory; not all changes help increase the property’s value; what’s more, some can make it difficult to sell. Some errors are:

  • Customize too much: maybe I love wood paneling and want to panel the living room. If I no longer live in that house, it is not worth the expense since the new owner may not want the panels.
  • Use bold colors: you have to be very careful with color. The ideal is to look for neutral, light, classic, and easy to combine colors. If the buyer decides that everything is too neutral, you will have time to add touches to your favorite color.
  • Spending more: wanting to cover too much will cause spending on remodeling to rise in greater proportion than the property’s value. Remember that you are not adding rooms or buying more land; these improvements can increase the property’s value by around 5%, so the idea is not to spend more than that.
  • Carrying out large projects without a professional: if the idea is to invest in a major remodeling such as an extension, it should be done hand in hand with an architect. The idea is to create more space and make it harmonic, practical, and safe.


Are you ready?

Time to go through your house inch by inch to see it with new eyes. Take a pencil and paper to write down all the changes you would like to make to be clear about everything you need. Then analyze which changes are cheaper and which are a priority. You can probably do many things yourself, saving you even more money.

When you have the house ready, it will be time to find a good real estate consultant Sky Marketing to help you say goodbye to what will now be someone else’s new dream.