While shopping using your credit card is thrilling and pleasant, keep in mind that it is not a payment system providing endless free money. As a result, it’s vital to pay your credit card bill. If you do not pay your bills on time, you will be charged interest, significantly increasing the amount owed. If you do not pay your bill, you will be charged penalty fees and a late fee on your card. Worse, it may have a negative impact on your credit score, raising doubts about your creditworthiness. A string of missing payments might also cause your credit card to be cancelled by the issuing authorities. There are a number of ways you can do credit card payment RBL quickly and effortlessly, as do a lot of other new-age credit cards.
RBL Credit Card is used by a large number of people and the credit card is considered as one of the best credit cards in India. They make the best use of the card, but they fall short when it comes to paying bills with a different debit card. As a result, bank offers a variety of additional credit card payment RBL choices. RBL Bank Credit Card payments can be made via Billdesk, Debit Card, NEFT, and various other methods. Let’s look at how to pay for your RBL Bank Credit Card with a debit card from another bank.
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Steps to using a debit card to pay a credit card payment RBL
Some consumers have debit cards from other banks and want to use those debit cards to pay credit card payment RBL. However, they have been unable to locate any platform that will allow them to utilise the debit card. Billdesk is an online payment gateway that allows you to pay your RBL Credit Card bill with a debit card from another bank. RBL Bank Credit Card payments can also be made through Billdesk.
- Visit the RBL Bank’s Credit Card Payment Page.
- Click on the Pay Now link in the Debit Card section.
- You’ll be directed to the Billdesk page.
- Enter and re-enter your RBL Credit Card number to confirm.
- Please enter your complete email address.
- Please enter your registered mobile number in the box.
- Enter the amount you would like to pay for the credit card.
- Select the Debit Card option under Payment Options.
- Choose any one of the 14 banks on the list.
- Submit the form by clicking the Submit button.
- In a few moments, you will see the interface of the Chosen Bank.
- Sign in with the Net Banking credentials of your bank.
- Execute the payment after confirming the payable amount.
RBL will credit the Credit Card account after a successful payment is deducted by the bank. A credit to the RBL bank account will take at most two working days.
Listed below are the banks whose debit cards can be used to make payments
- Bank of Maharashtra
- CitiBank
- Punjab National Bank
- IDFC Bank
- Rajasthan State Co-op Bank
- Pragathi Krishna Gramin Bank
- Shivalik Bank
- Canara Bank
- Kerela Gramin Bank
- Bank of India
- Indusind Bank
- Indian Overseas Bank
- Union Bank
RBL Credit Card payments can be made with debit cards from these 14 banks. If you do not have a debit card from any of these banks, you can make RBL bank credit card payments via NEFT. The NEFT payment method allows you to clear RBL Credit Card bills using the net banking services of other banks.
Benefits of credit card payments through debit cards
Account Unavailability
Some customers of the RBL Credit Card do not have an RBL bank account. This makes it difficult for them to make payments. Such users can make the payment by using their Debit Cards of other banks.
Not Enough Cash
There are times when a user wishes to pay a credit card bill through another bank’s debit card due to a lack of funds in their RBL Savings account. Many users choose to use this method to pay their credit card bills.
No Payment Fees
Paying credit card bills with cash incurs certain additional fees. However, it is completely free if you pay for your RBL Bank credit card with a debit card.
The Credit Card RBL payment can be made through the RBL MyCard app, which is available on the bank’s mobile app. Making payments through the app is simple and convenient because the app already has all of your credit card information stored. At the end of the billing cycle, open the app and navigate to the “Make a Payment” tab. You can pay the amount in full or in part and then proceed to input your payment mode details.