How are QR codes utilized in online and offline messaging apps?

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As the ways of communicating with other people are always improving, the way they communicate does not limit the use of SMS and MMS.

Because of the improvements made by technology, a new way of sending messages is born. And these means have revolutionized the way people communicate with their family, friends, and acquaintances.

Thanks to today’s wide internet reach, sending messages through the internet is now possible and is embodied with the different free offline and online messaging apps like Google Messages, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, and more.

And aside from the messaging improvement, these messaging apps give to people who are communicating with each other offline and online, the developers of this app have also integrated new different ways to instantly connect people into one chat group by letting every user secure an invite link and send it to their colleagues or through the use of QR codes.

How are QR codes used by offline and online messaging apps?

With more than 11 million households in the US have the basic knowledge in creating a QR code through the use of a QR code generator online and scanning them for different means, the offline and online messaging services are utilizing the use of them in four known ways.

Scan-to-add contact

Since manually adding your family, friends or colleagues number can sometimes be a tedious step that most busy people find irritating to do when trying to connect with them on some of the known messaging apps like WhatsApp and more, the use of QR codes has become the solution that the various messaging app developers employ to fasten their phone number exchange.

Simplify Group invitation means

Aside from the scan-to-add contact means that people use to easily connect with other people, the use of QR codes can help users that manage group chats to seamlessly let more users join their conversation by just scanning the group invite QR code.

With WhatsApp as one of the known modern messaging platforms that allows users to create a group and invite others into the chat, creating a WhatsApp QR code is one way that group admins can easily lead their friends into their dedicated group chat.

Connect phone messages to one’s personal computer

Another utilization of QR codes that most messaging apps introduce to their users is the scan and connect a user to the web version of the messaging of the app.

By scanning it through the web, users who are away from their phones and are only on their personal computers can easily reply to the people who message them through the web. The messaging apps that introduce the use of it are Google Messages, and WhatsApp.

Business Inquiry QR codes

The use of QR codes has enabled businesses to seamlessly let customers connect with their business messaging platform and send their inquiries instantly without the need to manually typing their business number on the phone.

As the customers will only have to scan their business message QR code, businesses can place these codes in their flyers, posters, product packaging, reach more customers and answer their inquiries and concerns.

How to create a custom messaging invite QR code?

Since most of the QR codes provided by different messaging apps are static QR codes, the option of sending other users with a customized and visually appealing QR code is not possible. But with the availability of a QR code generator with logo online, you can have the option to create a custom one.

By securing your message invite link from your WhatsApp or any other provider, here are the following simple steps on how to create a customer messaging invite QR code.

  1. Open QR code generator software and create an account
  2. Select the URL category and place your Message invite Link
  3. Click the generate dynamic QR code option
  4. Customize your message invite QR code design
  5. Test your QR code first
  6. Download and embed your QR code in your business cards or poster.


As almost all technological tools today are now integrating the use of QR codes, its utilization in the communications industry has an open new experience and ways for users to enjoy and implement with their messaging routine.

And as most messaging apps are adopting the use of them, the seamless way to connect and communicate with others is now present. Because of the futuristic feels, QR codes can bring to these apps, communicating with others in the future is foreseen with just a scan from your smartphone’s integrated QR code scanner.