“Happy” dates for marriage in Las Vegas

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As you know, Las Vegas (Nevada) is a real “Mecca” for those who want to quickly and inexpensively connect their destinies (regardless of gender, sexual orientation and other characteristics). The extremely simplified procedure for registering a marriage regularly attracts many couples to the gambling capital of the country.

But the expression “regularly” has its own connotations. The fact is that some dates of marriage are considered especially “happy” and guarantee success in life and longevity of the marriage bond. The last such “lucky date” was April 3 of the current year (in digital form 4-3-21 – a descending sequence of numbers from 4 to 1). On that day, 700 couples were married at the Clark County Marriage Registry Office. Marriage certificates on this day were issued on specially designed gift forms.

There are always many marriages in April, says Bureau clerk Lynn Goya, and “special” dates are especially popular. For example, on December 13, 2014 (12-13-14), more than 1880 couples were married. Also very popular are the so-called “palindromic” dates, that is, read the same from left to right and right to left. For example, on November 11, 2011 (11-11-11) 3125 lovers got married. And the record was set on June 7, 2007 (7-7-7) – 4492 registrations.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 0 dated November 30 -0001

Newspaper headline:
The arithmetic of happiness