Germany: Vaccinations for children no earlier

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Coronavirus vaccine manufacturers have begun to study the effects of Covid-19 medicines on underage children. Despite this, experts believe that the vaccine may not appear until the end of 2021.

Fred Sepp, director of the Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at the University of Mainz and member of the Standing Commission on Vaccinations (STIKO), said that a vaccine for children could not be expected “until the end of this year, or even early next, 2022.” The Biontech / Pfizer vaccine is currently approved for use by residents over 16 years of age. The company plans to study the effect of the vaccine on children aged 0 to 15 years.

Astrazeneca is announcing the start of a study on the vaccine for children aged 6-18 “in the coming months,” a company spokeswoman told dpa. Moderna began a study involving 3,000 minors in the United States back in December of the past year. Research in children under the age of twelve is an EMA requirement, according to the Research Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association.

Research results will be presented no later than July or December 2024.

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