The mayors of several large German cities claim that health departments are able to effectively track the chains of infection even when the incidence rate is above 50. In Cologne, for example, despite the fact that the coefficient exceeds 50, the authorities contact both residents who have been diagnosed with coronavirus as a result the test done, and with contact persons who fell ill within 24 hours, and “notify them of the need to go into self-isolation”, – said the mayor of the city Henrietta Recker in an interview with “Welt am Sonntag”.
Bremen Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte also assured that, despite the fact that the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days is currently 71.2, all contacts can be traced. The Welt am Sonntag learned that the city halls of Munich, Leipzig and Dusseldorf provided similar information.
Germany says this:
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