Germany: “The pandemic is just beginning”

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Germany is not sufficiently prepared for the coming period of the corona pandemic, says virologist Christian Drosten (head of the department of virology at the Berlin clinic Charite). “To keep the situation under control in the coming months, we must urgently change a lot,” he said. “The pandemic is just about to start for real. And here in Germany too ”.

We need pragmatic solutions, the expert believes. The fact that we are currently seeing a relatively moderate infection rate in our country is because Germany reacted and introduced drastic measures about four weeks earlier than other countries. “We were successful not because our health authorities were better than the French, or because our hospitals were better equipped than the Italian ones,” says Drosten.

Germany should take a more differentiated and more sober view of what is happening abroad, and learn from the mistakes of others. And: “We have to stop talking about things like football stadiums. This is truly a complete delusion. Helge Braun, the head of the Federal Chancellor’s Office, also said today that he believes that at the moment, when the number of infected is growing, it is not time to introduce further concessions. “Wherever foci of infection arise and the number of infected rises sharply, we must impose radical restrictions to keep the situation in Germany under control.”

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