Germany: The number of people infected during Christmas could skyrocket

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The lightweight lockdown in Germany was introduced two weeks ago. However, the number of new infections has not dropped to the desired level. Experts say that there is no need to talk about facilitating the introduced measures, but rather about tightening them. The German Society for Infectious Diseases warns of the danger of a new impetus for the development of a pandemic during the Christmas holidays – the traditional time to travel and meet friends and acquaintances.

Bernd Salzberger, chairman of the German Society for Infectious Diseases, warns of a possible exacerbation of the coronavirus situation during and also after the Christmas season. Over the past few years, the New Year holidays have become the “engine” for the spread of influenza, said an infectious disease specialist who treats critically ill patients with coronavirus at the University Hospital of Regensburg in an interview with the Funke media group: “People travel around Germany, meet with their friends, former classmates, colleagues at home or in bars. ” This creates ideal conditions for transmission of infection. “It may happen that Christmas time will be a new impetus for a rapid increase in the number of people infected with coronavirus.”

Salzberger said that there will be no quick return to normal life: “There can be no normalization in December. It just wouldn’t be a smart move. ” He can give more optimistic forecasts only for the coming year. “It became known about the emergence of a vaccine. This is a breakthrough. ” The vaccine protective data claimed by the manufacturers are encouraging. Even if the exact data for different age groups are not yet known. Such differentiated information will appear later. So far, the researchers operate only with preliminary results. One thing should be said for sure now: “The results show that we can protect ourselves from this infection through vaccination.”

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