Germany: Oktoberfest likely won’t take place

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The world famous Munich Oktoberfest will probably not take place this year. for the second year in a row. The Mayor of Munich Dieter Reiter said that the chances of holding a beer festival this year are very slim.

In the past 2020, Reiter firmly believed that in the current 2021 Oktoberfest will again receive numerous and international guests, said the politician in an interview with Bild. “Hope for the celebration is diminishing every week,” said the Oberburgomaster. In May, the topic of the Oktoberfest will be discussed with the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder. Then the final decision will be made.

In 2020, Oktoberfest was canceled for the first time in many years due to the raging coronavirus pandemic.

Germany says this:

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