Germany: Labor rights upon change of ownership

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By admin

─ Good afternoon, dear editors!

I work as a pharmacist in a pharmacy. The boss retired and sold the pharmacy an ode to a married couple. They promised to take over all the employees, but some of the colleagues who know this couple took a vacation and quit. They say they don’t work well with foreigners. I don’t want to quit yet. The pharmacy is located next to the house and everything suits me. Question: under the contract, we had 26 vacation days a year. This year I didn’t take it. Can I take a vacation after a change of ownership? Will my contract change? Will it be considered that I started working in a new place and I have a probationary period again? What does the labor law dictate?

Olga N., Wuppertal.

─ Dear Olga!

Employment contracts will not change when the pharmacy owner changes. As before, you can resign in accordance with legal requirements and deadlines. However, if you do not do this, and if the employer does not terminate the employment contract with you for any reason, then everything goes on as usual. You must also continue to work, you also have the right to vacation, the probationary period does not start again. Everything remains the same.

Maxim BRITANOV, attorney.

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