Germany: Jubilee Piano Music Festival Held Despite Pandemic

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The traditional music festival was organized in September in Hesse

The divine sounds of Beethoven’s works rise to the high vaults of the ancient Talkirche Eppstein in Hesse. At the piano is Anna-Viktoria TISHAEVA, known in the music world for her virtuoso and emotional performance of the most difficult classical pieces.

Since the summer of 2011, the talented pianist has been organizing and conducting concerts as part of an international music festival in the small town of Epstein at the foot of the Taunus. The traditional musical festival, which took place here from 12 to 27 September this year, has also become a true regional event.

Anna-Victoria’s parents instilled in her soul an interest in the piano, brought up diligence and craving for beauty in childhood. As a child, Anna began to study with the famous Odessa teacher Alla Saxonskaya. Then, after admission and a very successful study at the famous school for gifted children named after Professor Pyotr Stolyarsky and at the Odessa Conservatory, the girl became the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition for young performers.

But she wanted to improve her skills, and Anna leaves for study and work in Europe. Now Tishaeva herself develops the tradition of musical education of talents, studying with young performers at the Institute of Music in the German city of Erlangen (EMI). The master classes she gives to young pianists are highly appreciated by experts. Before that, there were many years of her hard work and study in concert postgraduate studies in Germany at the high schools of music in Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Trossingen under the guidance of venerable piano teachers.

Tishaeva became the winner of famous musical shows, including “Alexander Scriabin” in Paris, then won first place and the audience award at the Da Ponte Foundation competition, as well as the first prize at the Frankfurt DAAD competition. The pianist was a member of the jury of various creative competitions, successfully gave concerts in Europe, even visited Japan, where she was warmly received by the local audience. She also enjoyed great success in Germany, where she regularly performs in the most prestigious halls.

Legendary violinist Michelle Gershwin. Photo: © Agata Judycki.

Festival for performers and public

The idea of ​​holding a piano festival was finally formed by Anna-Victoria during her postgraduate studies. The pianist became the initiator and artistic director of the international music festival. Both music lovers and those who have not yet been introduced to the beautiful for various reasons, it was necessary to give a chance to the great knowledge of harmony, especially since the entrance to most concerts is free. Outstanding musicians, laureates of international competitions, such as Wolfgang Manz, Evgenia Rubinova, Grigory Gruzman, Kathino Sepashvili, Geza Luker, Sofio Gigineishvili, Thomas Bernstein, Nikolai Kryzhanovsky, performed as part of the festivals.

Over the ten years of the festival, a constant audience of concert visitors has developed. The audience recalls with gratitude the pianist Irina Edelstein, professor at the Frankfurt School of Music and Theater Arts. The unique music teacher and pianist Lev Natochny, now a lecturer at the private Swiss University of Kalaides, has repeatedly performed at the festival with his students. These musicians, like professors Grigory Gruzman and Leonid Dorfman, have brought up wonderful pianists, followers of the Russian musical tradition. Anna-Victoria Tishaeva also trained in their master classes at one time and is still grateful to her teachers.

Thanks to the long-term support and enthusiasm of Heike Schuffenhauer, the pastor of the Evangelical Taltservice, her love for art, the participation of fellow musicians who performed at the festival concerts in different years, sponsorship, it became possible to hold these musical festivals annually. For the tenth time, holding a piano music festival in his church, the pastor finds words of sincere gratitude and gratitude to publicly address them to a small, fragile woman in love with classical music.

Tishaeva organized and conducted concerts within the framework of the festival, not only under the arches of the old church. Grateful listeners applauded musicians from many European countries in the beautiful concert halls of Wiesbaden and Bad Homburg.

The main event in the history of the festival was a grandiose concert in the Hesse radio hall. The Symphony Orchestra of the South Westphalian Philharmonic under the direction of maestro Giuliano Betta performed a concert by Maurice Ravel. Anna Tishaeva was the soloist. The debut disc of the recorded concert has ripened just in time for the tenth anniversary festival.

2020 has become a test for many artists. Musicians, performers of chamber and classical music were no exception. But Anna-Victoria could not leave the audience of the land of Hesse without a first-class performing festival. Despite all organizational difficulties, the anniversary festival was successfully held this fall.

December 16 this year marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven. Therefore, the festival was held under the sign of the work of the great German musician. The audience highly appreciated Tishaeva’s duet with the legendary violinist, laureate of the D. Oistrakh Competition, Professor Michel Gershwin. Their virtuoso performance of the works of Beethoven and his contemporaries brought extraordinary pleasure to connoisseurs of the classics. However, the Sunday concert of Anna Victoria together with violinist Dimitar Ivanov and cellist Mikhail Nemtsov was held at the proper height.

Chinese pianist Haiou Zhang, Iness and Anna Valakhovski, musician Valentin Blomer, who were awarded a well-deserved applause, took part in the six piano evenings of the festival.

The initiator of the arts festival dreams that in May-June next year, in the cozy old town of Hesse, joyous meetings of the German public with musical talents will take place for the eleventh time at the now traditional Klawierfest Eppstein festival.

Detailed information about the festival is available on the website:

Elena GRINBERG, Frankfurt.

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