Germany: how much do rapid tests cost for home use

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Experts say that weakening is possible with higher incidence rates, if there are enough rapid tests for coronavirus. Federal Minister Jens Spahn had planned that tests for home use would be available in Germany as early as early March. Prompt diagnosis contributes to the prompt detection of the infection and, as a result, helps the sick to quickly begin treatment. The tests are accurate and not tied to laboratories.

With a delay of a week – from Saturday, March 6, the first rapid tests for use within its four walls will be available in stores in Germany. Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd announced that tests carried out in Germany will be available at the box office in all network branches. For the first time, maximum one package will be issued per customer. Each pack costs about 25 euros and contains five tests. To pass the test, you need to take a swab from the nose. The results will be known in 15 minutes. Manufacturers claim that the diagnostic accuracy is 96 percent.

The tests will also be available at Rossmann and DM dry goods stores from next Tuesday. Soon they will appear in pharmacies. Whether they will cost more or less than in Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd – it has not yet been announced

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