Germany: Experts calculate the risk of contracting coronavirus in airplanes

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A study by the University Hospital in Frankfurt am Main found that the risk of contracting coronavirus on an aircraft is lower than previously thought. Air filtration systems significantly reduce the risk of contamination.

After the study, virologists from the Frankfurt University Hospital came to the conclusion that the risk of contracting coronavirus in an airplane is probably lower than previously thought. To conduct the study, employees of the University Hospital Frankfurt am Main interviewed all passengers on the flight, which was a group of infected tourists. The result surprised researchers. On a flight with at least seven infected, only two other passengers became infected, although no one wore masks to protect the mouth and nose.

Airplanes full of viruses are now a terrible scenario for many travelers. After the study, scientists came to the conclusion that air filter systems in aircraft can reduce the transmission of a new type of coronavirus. However, they are not able to completely prevent infection. There is a risk of infection on the plane, although it is not as high as previously thought.

On March 9, a total of 102 passengers checked in for a flight from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Frankfurt, which lasted four hours and 40 minutes. Among the passengers was a group of 24 German tourists. As the researchers noted, since the flight took place in the initial phase of the pandemic, none of the travelers wore protective masks during the flight.

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