Funds are found on Sakhalin to treat rare diseases

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More than 340 million rubles a year are allocated by the Sakhalin regional budget to combat rare diseases (today there are 129 such patients known in the region, 38 of them are of children). One of these diseases is spinal muscular atrophy, which greatly complicates or makes it impossible to move independently, affects motor skills, and eventually overcomes all body systems where muscles are involved (including vital organs). One bottle of the medicine costs more than seven million rubles. Obviously, this is a huge expense for any family. Therefore, the region purchased medicines for a year for a sick Sakhalin child, and the effect of medicines is already on the face. The region also helps patients to fight phenylketonuria, blood incoagulation, impaired copper metabolism, pulmonary hypertension and some other rare ailments, paying for not only medicines, but also operations and rehabilitation.

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