The number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care in France rose above the 6,000 mark on Monday, which it had been close to for ten days, according to figures published by the health authorities.
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In total, there were 6001 people in critical care services (which include resuscitation, intensive care and continuous monitoring) against 5,978 patients the day before.
In 24 hours, 470 patients were admitted to these services which treat the most serious cases, against 218 new patients the day before.
For ten days, the number of patients in intensive care has been close to 6,000. A figure below the peak of the first wave in April 2020 (around 7,000) but higher than that of the second wave in the fall (4,900).
The total number of COVID patients hospitalized was 30,596 on Monday, compared to 30,287 on Sunday. 1944 people have been hospitalized in the last 24 hours compared to 881 in the previous 24 hours.
In terms of vaccination in France, 14,297,308 people received at least one injection of vaccine and 5,691,519 people received both doses.