Four Benefits Of Renting A Vacation Home Rather Than Staying In A Hotel

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By Brandon

As long as people have been taking holidays, the vacation rental sector has been around to accommodate them. However, because of recent developments in technology, participation in the sector is now available to virtually anybody who possesses a spare room and Internet access. Because of this, it should not come as a surprise that the meteoric expansion of the vacation rental sector is becoming a major source of concern for the large hotels that have benefited from an almost monopoly on the tourist and hospitality industry for more than a century.

However, now that peer-to-peer listing platforms have leveled the playing field, no amount of money spent on marketing will be able to give hotels back their market share of the accommodation industry. The reality of the matter is that living in a vacation rental apartment has a great deal more advantages than staying in a hotel and the fact that the cost is comparable to that of a hotel room (or even lower) puts hotels at an even worse position. In the battle for tourists’ business, hotels will never be able to compete with house for rent key west for the following four key reasons:

  1. There Is A Kitchen Available: Because the vacation apartment is a flat and not just a square box of air, it has the same conveniences as your own house, but it is located in the country of your choosing rather than in your hometown. Because it enables visitors to prepare their lunches and dinners rather than having to dine out for every single meal, the kitchen is one of the amenities that is valued the most by guests.
  2. There Is No Requirement To Break A Larger Group Up Into Smaller Groups: It is quite unlikely that you will all be able to book a room at the same hotel if, for instance, you are traveling with a group of friends. Instead, you will most likely be required to remain in separate rooms, or perhaps on different floors, which severely restricts your ability to enjoy intimacy, pleasure, and freedom. Renting a vacation apartment allows the complete party to stay together under the same roof, where they may eat together, relax together in the living room, and take pleasure in a great deal more privacy and comfort than they would if they were staying in a hotel room.
  3. There Are No Set Times: A hotel operates on a strict timetable, which must be adhered to at all times. For instance, you are restricted in the amount of time you have to organize your day because you have to have breakfast inside a specified window of time. You can probably understand that a vacation rental does not have any timetables other than the ones that you establish for your time spent in the city. You have complete control over the timing of your daily activities, such as waking up, eating, and returning home.
  4. Individualize Attention To The Customer’s Needs From A Company Or Landlord: If you are concerned about how the system for renting out vacation apartments operates, you should know that the procedures are rather straightforward and safe. You will be greeted by a member of the agency’s staff upon arrival. They will then provide you with the keys, give you a tour of the area, and brief you on the apartment. You are never truly alone since you can get in touch with the agency and its support staff if you run into any issues during your stay.

It is only going to become worse for hotels as time goes on and the vacation rental business continues to expand and capture greater market share.