Former Polish President Walesa recorded a farewell video and went to hospital

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Former President of Poland, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Lech Walesa, before being hospitalized for surgery, recorded a farewell video message. The video was published by the politician on Sunday, March 14, on his Facebook account.

On footage, the former Polish leader states that he does not know how the operation will go, but notes that he is ready for “two main outcomes.”

“Not knowing when we will meet next time, not knowing if we will meet at all, I want to tell you that I did everything to serve the people well,” Walesa stressed.

According to him, he managed to do a lot together with the people, but not everything that was planned came out because of his “laziness or unwillingness.”

“I did only what I believed in, without any subtext, without meanness, without betrayal,” the ex-president concluded.

According to the Polish newspaper Super Express, one of the electrodes in the pacemaker of 78-year-old Walesa has burst and he will have to undergo heart surgery. In addition, the politician has diabetes and other health problems.

At the end of December 2020, Walesa filed for bankruptcy. According to him, he was a wealthy man, but he sent money to charity and currently he has no funds.

At the same time, before the pandemic, the ex-leader of the country delivered lectures at a number of universities in different countries. However, with the closure of the borders, Walesa lost this income.

Later in February, it was reported that the politician was looking for additional work due to a lack of pension money amid the coronavirus pandemic. According to him, he is ready to go to work even as an electrician.