Food suppliers asked to cancel the new rules for the delivery of goods in Moscow

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Suppliers and carriers of products asked the government to cancel the new rules for the delivery of goods in Moscow, which, among other things, restrict the movement of trucks from 3.5 tons within the Moscow Ring Road. This was reported by the Kommersant newspaper with reference to the appeal of the National Union of Transport and Logistics Experts, the National Meat Association, Soyuzmolok, Soyuznapitkov, the Fish Union and others on Monday, April 19.

Business representatives have appealed about the resolution of the capital’s mayor’s office dated April 6, which obliges truck owners from May 5 to register vehicles in the Unified Regional Navigation Information System of Moscow (RNIS). The document also introduces fixed routes, day and night passes, establishes requirements for issuing passes for heavy trucks weighing 3.5 tons or more for movement within the Moscow Ring Road.

According to the publication, the appeal says that due to new requirements, costs for all participants in the supply chain may rise, prices for consumers may rise. They also threaten to break contracts and a shortage of trucks in Moscow. Market participants are asking the Cabinet of Ministers to assess their consequences and to abolish the requirements for compliance with a fixed route, mandatory connection to RNIS and separation of passes.

The Department of Transport of the capital believes that they are going to hold seminars on the procedure for submitting applications to the RNIS by May 5, stressing that the registration service in the system is free and is already available.

The law firm “Ickert and Partners” believes that the business has turned to the wrong address – the federal government cannot directly force the mayor’s office to revise the rules. Lawyers believe that business has turned to the Cabinet of Ministers in order to draw attention to the problem of the “higher echelons of power.”

At the end of March, the business warned of a shortage of freight carriers, which occurred due to an increase in demand for delivery in Russia by 56%. The trend was recorded at the road freight exchange. They noted that the growth in demand in the market is not compensated by the corresponding increase in supply, which decreased by 22%, which creates risks of a shortage of freight carriers.

The cost of transportation services in January-February increased by about 10%, and market participants expected further growth.