EU invited Russia to resume dialogue on nuclear disarmament

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The European Union (EU) has invited Russia to revive the bilateral dialogue on disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. This was announced on April 22 by the representative of the EU Foreign Service Peter Stano.

“The EU is working hard to support multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation processes. We are conducting dialogues on non-proliferation and disarmament with a dozen states and offered the Russian side to revive our bilateral dialogues on these issues, ”Stano was quoted as saying by TASS.

Thus, the European Union reacted to yesterday’s message from Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly, during which she said that Moscow invites partners to discuss issues “related to strategic weapons” and create an environment for a conflict-free existence based on the “security equation.”

In addition, on Wednesday the Russian leader said that the idea of ​​a summit of the “five” of the UN Security Council will be implemented when conditions permit. He recalled that a corresponding initiative was put forward by Moscow last year.

He added that the country is always ready to cooperate with members of the international community and strengthen the role of the UN in world affairs. Moscow also seeks to help resolve regional conflicts, including, in particular, the Syrian and Libyan ones, Putin said.

The day before, the head of European Union (EU) diplomacy, Josep Borrell, noted the important progress in the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program, achieved during the talks in Vienna. It addedthat diplomacy is most effective in resolving the issues of the return of the United States to the JCPOA and the direct implementation of the deal.

Borrell also announced the forthcoming meeting of the joint commission next week and, for its part, proposed to double the work of all parties to the agreement and separately – with the United States.

The informal association of the “nuclear five” includes states that have nuclear weapons: Russia, China, Great Britain, the United States and France. During the meetings of the countries, issues such as the policies of the parties, nuclear energy and disarmament are discussed.