Estonian lost his residence permit in the Russian Federation after a quarrel with his wife from Pskov

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The Pechora District Court ruled illegal the cancellation of the residence permit in the Russian Federation of an Estonian citizen. This was reported to “MK in Pskov” in the joint press service of the courts of general jurisdiction.

The Estonian has lived on the territory of the Russian Federation for more than 25 years and was married to a resident of the Pskov region. During a quarrel with her husband, the woman called the police officers. The man was fined for petty hooliganism. This offense became the basis for the cancellation of the residence permit.

The Estonian citizen did not agree with this decision and went to court. The latter, in turn, established that the legal consequences of the cancellation of a residence permit of a foreign citizen entail a violation of the fundamental principles of human rights and freedom and declared such a decision illegal. The decision did not come into legal force.