[EN DIRECT] All the developments of the pandemic

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Whether in Quebec or elsewhere on the planet, the COVID-19 pandemic has been disrupting our lives for several months.

Here you will find all the news throughout the day related to this crisis affecting the population, governments and the economy.



Case : 33 484 488
Death : 1 004 129


Case: 155 654, 73 450 in Quebec

Death: 9,289 deaths, 5,833 in Quebec

All the news for September 29

6:47 pm | La Tuque in the orange zone: between worry and resignation

6:43 pm | The COVID-19 rapid screening test that will be deployed massively in the United States is not even being evaluated at Health Canada although it has been approved south of the border since August.

6:36 pm | “Justice continues”: the second wave will not prevent the justice system from functioning

6:25 pm | The World Bank has asked its Board of Directors to approve additional funding of $ 12 billion to help poor countries purchase and distribute vaccines against COVID-19, we learned Tuesday from the. institution.

6:22 pm | COVID-19: concern in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean with the upward trend

5:54 pm | More than 150 museums of the 400 museum institutions in the province are in the red zone and are due to close their doors on Thursday, resulting in the postponement of several inaugurations of major exhibitions.

Jean-François Desgagnés archive photo

17:34 | Pressed to explain the closure of theaters in the red zone, the Minister of Culture, Nathalie Roy, argued that it would be contradictory to ask the population to stay at home while keeping these gathering places open.

File photo, Simon Clark

5:21 pm | The announcement Monday that Quebec City and the regions of Montreal and Chaudière-Appalaches will turn red on the COVID alert scale is already hitting the tourism industry in Charlevoix hard, which, generally, was doing very well so far. ‘here.


5:21 pm | Disney cuts 28,000 US jobs due to pandemic

4:58 pm | Spain ready to tighten sanitary measures in Madrid and in the most affected areas

4:32 pm | Nearly one in five Quebecers suffers from anxiety disorders or depression, indicates a recent Léger poll.

4:17 pm | New containment: 1,350 workers dismissed at Loto-Québec

4:10 pm | As predicted by health officials, the numbers of hospitalizations and deaths increased in Quebec and Ontario on Tuesday after weeks of continued increases in the number of COVID-19 cases.

15:48 | Quebec restaurateurs are once again turning to take-out food to survive the closure of their dining room for the next 28 days minimum.

3:27 pm | Students: no mask in class, says Legault

File photo, Simon Clark

3:21 pm | Red areas: the 28-day period could be “much longer”, says virologist

3:17 pm | Restaurateur Éric Luksenberg takes a hard hit the day after the announcement of the closure of restaurants and bars in the red zone. He did not even wait until midnight Wednesday to close his two restaurants in Old Montreal.

12h48 | COVID-19: “end of alert” on a cruise ship in Athens.

12:44 | Alcohol consumption has increased markedly in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among women, according to a study published Tuesday in the journal Jama Network Open.

11:50 am | Virus: Germany limits the number of participants to parties or family reunions.

Germany will limit the number of participants in parties in public and private space depending on the evolution of COVID-19 infections in order to fight against an upsurge of the pandemic in the country, Angela Merkel said on Tuesday .

Alongside tourists returning from vacation, “private parties are an important cause” for the outbreak of new infections in Germany, “which is why we must react”, declared the Chancellor after a meeting with the heads of government of the 16 German regional states.

11:26 am | COVID-19 cases could double by December because of the fall weather, but the virus could go away on its own in the spring, according to forecasts by microbiologist Marc Hamilton.

COMING SOON | The Prime Minister, the Minister of Health and Dr Arruda will give an update at 1 p.m.

Stevens Leblanc archive photo

11:04 am | Quebec records an increase of 799 cases and seven deaths; the toll has reached 73,450 infected people and 5,833 patients who have died since the start of the crisis.

Dominick Gravel / QMI Agency

10:56 am | The President of the National Assembly, François Paradis, has placed himself in isolation as a preventive measure pending the results of a screening test to which his spouse will undergo after feeling symptoms of COVID-19.

10:47 am | The Tennessee Titans confirmed on Tuesday that “several” positive coronavirus cases had been identified in their ranks.

9:59 am | “Go to a potato field!” launches the mayoress to anti-masks.

8:49 am | Boris Johnson feels “fitter” on diet after contracting COVID-19.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has been gravely ill with COVID-19, said on Tuesday he felt “fitter” after dieting following his hospitalization.

The 56-year-old Conservative leader spent three nights in intensive care in April after being infected with the novel coronavirus and questions about the impact of the disease and on his health have continued over the months.

“I’m in better shape than I was,” assured the Prime Minister, responding to a journalist’s question about his state of health, after a speech on the subject of education.

“When you got to a weight of around 111 kg, like I did, for around 1.78 meters, it’s probably a good idea to lose weight, that’s what I did. And I feel a lot better, ”he said.

A man with the weight and height mentioned by Boris Johnson would have a body mass index (BMI) of 34.9 and would be considered obese, according to an online calculator from the British public health service.

This is not the first time Boris Johnson has bragged about being in good health, having even gone so far as to do push-ups in front of reporters to prove his fitness. He was recently pictured running with a sports coach in St James’s park near Downing Street.

7:46 am | Merkel wants new restrictive measures.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday advocated new restrictive measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the face of an increase in infections in the country and as winter looms.

The conservative leader, who brings together the leaders of the 16 regional states in the afternoon, wants to be able to limit the number of participants to a private party to 25 and to 50 for a party in a public space in the event of a recent increase in number of cases, according to the draft text to be adopted during this meeting and of which AFP has obtained a copy.

“Due to the drop in temperatures, extended stays in closed spaces during the fall and winter and the looming flu season, we now need to be particularly vigilant, especially in the organization of leisure time. and private parties ”, underline the various political leaders.

In restaurants, cafes and bars where each customer must leave their contact details, fines of a minimum of 50 euros will also be imposed if people provide false information.

In some regions particularly affected by the virus, the sale of alcohol may also be temporarily limited.

6:58 am | Red zone: allowed or prohibited? Open or closed?

Dominick Gravel / QMI Agency

6:52 am | Covid-19: Macron judges that “never so many sacrifices” have been asked of young people.

Emmanuel Macron estimated Tuesday that “never so many sacrifices” had never been asked of the youth in Europe in this period of health crisis, which creates for the leaders “an immense responsibility” for his future on the environmental issues, diplomatic and financial.

“What has no equivalent in our contemporary history is that we ask the greatest sacrifices of our youth to protect the elderly”, he said in front of students in Vilnius.

Faced with the COVID-19 epidemic in France, “I must make the decision, because the virus is going very quickly, to close bars, restaurants, places of conviviality consubstantial with student life”, and “to protect, we puts a lot of constraints on student life, ”he added, referring to distance education.

6:50 am | COVID-19: 100 million more vaccine doses for poor countries.

6:43 am | Africa: “Almost Normal” Life After COVID-19, But Not Everywhere.

TO READ | They thought they had done everything to avoid another shutdown: the restaurant industry and the entertainment world are worried with this 28-day lockdown.

[EN 5 MINUTES] | Here’s why the bars are closing.

TO READ | The Laval restaurant blamed last week for non-compliance with health measures linked to the COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily closed its doors.

4h35 | Israel: the reconfinement will be extended, warns the Minister of Health.

The re-containment decreed in Israel to fight against the highest rate of coronavirus contamination in the world will be extended after the three weeks previously announced, the Minister of Health warned on Tuesday.

2h32 | A cruise ship with carriers of the coronavirus on board docks in Athens.

The first cruise ship to return to Greece from containment docked at the port of Piraeus in Athens early Tuesday morning, after a dozen coronavirus contaminations were discovered on board, the Greek news agency ANA said.

1h58 | 30 minutes flat: a Chinese machine shakes up COVID tests.

Detect the new coronavirus in just 30 minutes: a Chinese company produces the “fastest in the world” machine for virological PCR tests and plans to conquer Europe and America.

1h00 | The government’s decision to no longer allow receiving or visiting relatives seems to be welcomed by the majority of people met by Le Journal, who are resigned to isolating themselves further.

1h00 | The Legault government’s announcement to close theaters in the red zones for 28 days was greeted with disappointment, and sometimes with surprise, by various professionals in the field.

0h45 | In Argentina, anti-Covid restrictions are reigniting political polarization.

0h00 | The crowds of students around secondary schools are hampering the efforts of school administrators to limit the contagion of the virus, believe specialists.

0h00 | The Legault government will close overnight from tomorrow to Thursday, bars, dining rooms, performance halls and cinemas in the red zone to break the second wave of COVID-19 before it overwhelms the health network. It will also be prohibited to receive guests at the house.

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