Doctors have named the three main “nocturnal” signs of diabetes

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Self-diagnosis of diabetes can be based on three main signs at night.

– A developing disease can affect sleep: sugar accumulates in the blood, and the body reacts to it, writes Express Health. – So, one of the symptoms of diabetes “rudiments” can be insomnia. The fact is that the body converts sugar into energy, so it can be problematic to fall asleep.

An alarming sign – if the body temperature rises in the evening and causeless irritability appears – this also indicates an increase in glucose levels.

Frequent awakenings due to the urge to urinate should also not be ignored. According to doctors, it is considered a deviation from the norm if a person goes to the toilet more than once a night.

When blood sugar rises, the body perceives it as “waste”, and the kidneys begin to work actively. This creates a feeling of constant thirst.

Note that an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist with personal consultation. If diabetes is not treated in time, irreversible consequences will occur in the body, as a result of which the heart and blood vessels will suffer.

The material is for informational purposes only and does not replace expert advice.

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