Do you only need an overall strategy?

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To choose your Inbound agency, you can rely on several criteria such as certifications and controlled sectors. The results will always be better if the participants know the market in which they are working. Also take a look at the scope of services offered:

Or do you want your agency to take care of creating and even distributing the content intended for your target audience?

ComExplorer Inbound Marketing Kit

Need a website? Which agency to choose?

Your digital project may require the launch of a website? In which case, you must choose a generalist agency that includes a team of developers or an agency specializing in web development. It all depends once again on your needs: building small e-commerce under Word Presser an online media hosting thousands of pages of content onDrupal, does not require the same skills.

If you already know which CMS is the most suitable, you might as well contact agencies that are exclusively dedicated to it. They can offer you the best expertise. If, on the contrary, you do not know which solution to turn to, opt for a jack-of-all-trades agency that can direct you to the one that best suits your project.

However, beware of this type of agency that can do a bit of everything, but not very well! Take the time to assess their skills and go through the sites they have created. If you find the design outdated, the navigation complex, and the loading too long, move on, because yours won’t be any better!

Another option is available to you: you can ask an inbound agency to support the implementation of your site on hub spot, a complete solution to manage your Inbound strategy. It is an interesting alternative that allows you to control everything with a single tool.

SEO agencies, SEO experts

Do you have a website, but no one comes to visit it? It’s time to set up an SEO strategy, the specialty foes agencies. To find the one that will ensure you a good position on the first page of search engine results, do not think that it is enough to choose the one at the very top. Indeed, if shoemakers are often the worst shod, this is also true for Digital Marketing Services!

Instead, remember these few criteria. First of all, each site is unique and your future agency cannot apply the same recipe to all of its clients. An SEO specialist will therefore always start his work by auditing your site. This does not start from scratch and it is essential to assess the existing situation to develop an appropriate strategy. Also make sure that your interlocutor will take into account all the pillars of SEO in his service: a study of keywords, incoming links, technical improvement of the site, editorial strategy, and content optimization.

Then, an agency must offer you a long-term follow-up, because referencing is substantive work. You have to constantly monitor the positioning of the pages, optimize them if necessary, find new keywords; adapt the content to the algorithms of the search engines, etc.

Finally, an SEO agency must be able to prove the results of its actions. It must provide you with regular reports based on relevant key indicators, such as the evolution of the ranking of pages in search engines, the number of monthly visits, and the number of good quality backlinks acquired, etc.

Last important point: check that the agency does not practice “black hat” SEO, that is to say, a set of techniques frowned upon by search engines. This type of behavior could cost you dearly if Google realizes it and decides to penalize your site.

Strategy agencies for those starting from scratch

If you can’t define your needs exactly or if you think your project requires a bit of everything listed above, then go to this type of agency. Their role is to create a comprehensive strategy to achieve the desired goals.

Generalists, describe a series of actions potentially affecting all areas: SEO, social networks, Ads, etc. Some also take care of the operational part and offer reports using key indicators also visit Tejas Parmar.