Do a Health Insurance Plans Comparison to Get the Best Rate in Switzerland?

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For the people of Switzerland or people moving into Switzerland, one of the first things they learn (and probably even before the yummiest Swiss chocolates) is health insurance. It is compulsory for one and all to take health insurance within three months of moving in. Choosing health insurance is not only mandatory but also paid one.

Both the new entrants and the existing citizens are either looking to cut down on their health insurance premium cost or looking for some great features or benefits. Are you confused if comparing health insurance plans would give you the best rate? Read on to sort all your concerns or requirements. 

Let us sort it out this way. How to compare, what to compare, and how much to save.

The First Question

Is comparing health insurance in Switzerland helpful? Is it easy? Ok, let us answer this question rather at the end. There is a reason behind it as to why at the end? So keep rolling!

Understanding Health Insurance of Switzerland

There are two health insurance plans for those who have just moved in or are planning to move into Switzerland. First is the basic compulsory plan giving you the basic coverage of your health concerns. Secondly is the additional supplementary insurance, which provides you with some additional benefits and discounts.

We will share basic details that will be helpful for you to get started.

How Do I Compare For Health Insurance Plans

Firstly even before you start comparing, jot down all the health insurance-related points priority-wise as per your needs. For example, are you married, planning to get married this year, how many family members do you live together with, are you planning to go the family way this year? How many children do you have, and how are they covered? Your income and earnings so that you can decide how much you can save for health insurance.

The  Federal Office of Public Health (OFSP) offers a tool for comparing providers called Priminfo. The OFSP maintains a list of all authorized service providers. Start your comparison journey from here, as health insurance comparison in Switzerland [For the french version, checkout at] is easier than you think. 

What Are The Probable Savings Potential In a Health Insurance

Once you have started comparing, you will see various comparison results. You can interpret these results smartly. Here is a glimpse of the probable savings potential.

Basic Insurance, by default, offers you the same benefits as all insurance companies; despite this, there is a noticeable difference in premiums provided by different insurance companies. This is a reason why you should compare plans.  

On average, one can save about CHF 500 by simply switching over to different health insurance plans. A family as a whole can save about CHF 2000.

Which Basic Model Saves the Most 

Usually, there are three types of basic insurance provided by the service providers. Telmed, HMO, and Standard. Telmed being the cheapest, and Standard is the Highest. This is the easiest way to save on premiums.  You have to dive deep, what features you require or not.  Which mode of treatment suits your needs, availability in your region, or you are looking for availability across Switzerland, etc.? Study your needs and make a choice.

Can deductible Save on Premium?

Yes, deductibles can save quite some amount on your premium. A higher deductible saves you a lot on your premium. But the higher deductible also means you will be paying more for your healthcare. If you think it over, consider your general health conditions, frequency of doctor visits both for yourself and all other members covered. Compare it with the annual savings on premium. If you think you will keep the deductible aside for just in case use and enjoy the regular yearly savings on the premium, you might consider increasing your deductible. You must contemplate and make a decision.

Can I Get a Discount on My Premiums?

Mainly an insurance company should be offering you a discount on the frequency of payment of your premiums. Some service providers could offer as much as up to a 2% discount on the annual mode of payment. If you go for the monthly premiums, you have to pay for all 12 months, after all, without discount. So think it over and make a wise decision.

Important Deadlines

While you are looking for a change, you must note some important deadlines. For Basic Insurance, you have to give cancelation notice max by 30th November, and you have to get it registered with the new service provider by 31st December. Basic Insurance has to be accepted by any insurance company and irrespective of your health conditions.

But please note, for Supplementary Insurance, there is a difference. For Supplementary Insurance, the deadline for termination is 30th September, and your state of health will matter here. An insurer may accept or may reject it. 

Important Tip: Do not terminate the old policy until you have confirmation of acceptance from the new one. This caution will safeguard you.


Comparing health insurance plans in Switzerland gives you a lot of benefits. You can do it online with ease and get various options to compare. The only thing is you must be clear with your priorities, so you have to do some homework before you start comparing. Savings is quite substantial, isn’t it?

As promised, let us pick up the First Question from above, as mentioned. But you already have an answer! Don’t you?                                                   Â