The education system in Russia must change, in particular, due to the abandonment of the Unified State Exam. This was stated by the People’s Artist of Russia Dmitry Pevtsov. According to him, it is necessary to revive the houses of children’s scientific and technical creativity in each district.
“It’s good to look ahead, but at the same time we cannot completely sweep aside the best that was in the Soviet education system,” he said at a meeting with the leadership of the Party of Pensioners.
The actor also drew attention to the fact that at the moment in Russia “you have to pay for everything.”
“Including for circles and sections for children. How can children choose their future profession, if they are faced with a money barrier? Where will our new Korolev and Tsiolkovsky come from?” – quotes his words the agency of city news “Moscow”.
Read also “Unified State Exam-2021: Let’s Go!”