Disneyland will not allow shouting and singing

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By admin

Disneyland and California Adventure will reopen in late April after more than a year of strict quarantine. The number of visitors admitted to the park must not exceed 15% of its total capacity and will comply with all safety measures in force in California in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

The wearing of masks and social distancing is mandatory for all visitors over two years of age, and other measures will be taken to reduce the likelihood of contact with people or surfaces in the vicinity. “Our popular characters will appear in a socially distant manner and in some unexpected places,” the park’s website says. “A number of events that attract large groups of people – such as parades and evening theatrical performances – will resume later.” In addition, only California residents will be allowed in the park, and the seats on the rides will be cleaned and replaced frequently.

Measures will be added to prohibit so-called “risky behavior”, including shouting on roller coaster rides, singing and searching with loud voices for lost family members or acquaintances. If visitors cannot contain their screams on the steep rollercoaster descent, they are advised to “cry out mentally.”

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 0 dated November 30 -0001

Newspaper headline:
Restricted entertainment