Digital environmental monitoring system can cost Russia 3 billion rubles

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Monitoring indicators of environmental pollution in Russia can cost the budget more than 3 billion rubles. For this, it is planned to create a special digital platform that will automatically track them. This was stated in the report of representatives of public councils under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Roshydromet, which will be presented on April 19 at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (Izvestia has it).

In the report of environmentalists, which Izvestia got acquainted with, the financing of the project is estimated at 3.127 billion rubles. This amount is needed only for the development of a digital platform where data on the state of the environment will be uploaded, Alexander Zakondyrin, the first deputy chairman of the public council under the Ministry of Natural Resources, explained to Izvestia. Such a budget was proposed by the Russian Ecological Operator (REO) in the project, which it sent to the ecological community in March (Izvestia has it), he said.

President Vladimir Putin announced the need to create a state information system (GIS) for environmental monitoring in the country at the beginning of 2020 in a message to the Federal Assembly. The system will allow assessing the quality of water, air and soil, said the representative of Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko to Izvestia.

The Ministry of Natural Resources told Izvestia that the possible terms of implementation and the sources of funding for the program can be indicated only after passing all stages of the document’s approval.

Read more in the exclusive material from Izvestia:

Execute on GIS: an eco-monitoring platform could cost the budget 3 billion rubles